Poultry Lighting

Lighting is one of the important elements in modern chicken breeding. Along with the studies to increase the genetic capacity of animals, researches are also carried out on the environmental factor of lighting. To date, many researches have been conducted on the effect of different light colors, lamp types and lighting programs on efficiency, and these studies are still continuing. Studies have shown that light intensity and daily light duration are effective on growth, sexual maturation and egg production in chickens.

The following 4 factors are of great importance regarding light;

1. Luminous Intensity
2. Light Wavelength
3. Light Uniformity
4. Light Time


1. Luminous Intensity

It is the luminous flux density radiating from a point light source in a certain direction/angle. Its unit is “Candela”.


2. Light Wavelength

Light is a kind of wave that propagates in space with the speed of light. Two important properties of waves are wavelength and frequency. The wavelength corresponds to the distance between the two peaks of the wave. The light spectrum is obtained by ordering the light rays according to their wavelengths. Visible light is the narrowest part of the spectrum in the 400 to 700 nanometer wavelength range. Hens perceive colors with wavelengths of 400-700 nm due to the effect of light color on efficiency in chickens.


3. Light Uniformity

They are homogeneous illuminations made by using the right color amount and optimum distance light source for the environment to be illuminated . (Lamps must be at equal distances for a homogeneous lighting in the henhouses)


4. Light Time

One of the most important effects on the physiological structure of the chicken is the light duration.


The most important topic that we will examine in detail among these four factors is the length of the light to the spleen.

Effects of Wavelength in Poultry Lighting;

Blue :
Increased growth at older ages by increasing plasma androgens.
Up to 4% improvement of feed conversion.
Reducing the cost by up to 3%.
It allows the total weight to be increased by up to 5%.


Deep blue

It reduces mobility.
It reduces the rate of cannibalism at later ages.
It increases the speed of development at a young age.


It stimulates and encourages sexual activity.
It increases the growth rate at the beginning of the breeding period.
Increases mobility.
Helps minimize leg impairment at the end of the breeding season.
It reduces feed consumption per egg without any change in egg quality.
Provides prolongation of egg production time.
It reduces food consumption by up to 20%.


Advantages of LED Solutions in Poultry Lighting

Effects of Wavelength in Poultry Lighting;

Blue :
Increased growth at older ages by increasing plasma androgens.
Up to 4% improvement of feed conversion.
Reducing the cost by up to 3%.
It allows the total weight to be increased by up to 5%.


Deep blue

It reduces mobility.
It reduces the rate of cannibalism at later ages.
It increases the speed of development at a young age.


It stimulates and encourages sexual activity.
It increases the growth rate at the beginning of the breeding period.
Increases mobility.
Helps minimize leg impairment at the end of the breeding season.
It reduces feed consumption per egg without any change in egg quality.
Provides prolongation of egg production time.
It reduces food consumption by up to 20%.


Advantages of LED Solutions in Poultry Lighting


 Binning current

Max Driving Current


 Typ. Flux @ 85°C

Typ. Efficacy @binning current

 Typ. Forward voltage


350 mA

1000 mA

465 nm

 43 lm

43 lm/W

2.85 V


350 mA

1000 mA

451 nm

712 Mw


2.85 V


350 mA

1000 mA

634 nm

70 lm

 95 lm/W

2.10 V


350 mA

1000 mA

521 nm

148 lm

 157 lm/W

2.70 V


350 mA

1000 mA

 593 nm

 76 lm

99 lm/W

2.20 V